Friday, March 16, 2012

Blog Portfolio # 7 March 2012


A Streetcar Named Desire

Till Death Do Us Part

The Role of Sounds in a Streetcar Named Desire

Unspoken Words

Lights, Stage Set, Action!

Real vs, Reel

A Scoop on Scoop

Two Men, Two Differing Styles

Beauty's Tragic Flaw

Zero-ing on Size


Till Death Do Us Part

This blog concerned a poem which was written on a lighter from Mitch's dead wife and also had significance for Blanche in 'Street Car Named Desire'. It was enlightening experience to be able to research the poem by Elizabeth Barret Browning, find out about her life and then analyze and relate it to the play. It was interesting experience to see how a real poem can influence a writer to incorporate it into a fictional piece of work and how that one poem can hold such meaning and significance for the protagonists. It gave me tremendous opportunity for in depth food for thought.


"Sonnets from the Portuguese - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia."Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2012. < 

"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. (Sonnet 43) Analysis." Shmoop: Homework Help, Teacher Resources, Test Prep. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2012. <>. 


Blogging is not simply writing your own feelings and thoughts in isolation as in writing a novel or a poem. What is so interesting about the world of blogging is that your commentary is being shared with an audience who is able to interact actively with you and others in a lively debate and discussion. This sharing of ideas and thoughts, hearing other view points, agreeing and disagreeing brings alive this social intellectual medium. In this blog post, Jorina, Wesley and I discussed and analyzed the role of Scoop in The Heidi Chronicles as a Antagonist or foil. Our interaction involved a debate with Jorina who stated, "Scoop is Heidi’s antagonist. He thinks with his hormones and is very overpowering", while I believe Scoop "acts as a foil to Heidi determining her action."


Two Men, Two Differing Styles

My blog on the comparison with Scoop and Stanley invited some interesting thoughts and comments from Adrienne which I felt compelled to respond to. I look forward to the continuation of this discussion.

Xenoblogging - Comment Primo

Heidi the Protagonist - Kanchan

While Kanchan's blog Heidi the Protagonist was well written and all points relevant and agreed upon, I was surprised she agreed Heidi is a Humanist (as claimed by Heidi) and not a Feminist, instigating my comment primo on her blog to put forth my view point.

"Some really good points were made but i would like to add some thoughts. Heidi’s character is interesting because she seems a little confused. She joins a feminist group and befriends many feminists and yet declares herself to be a humanist. By definition a humanist is a person who focuses on human values and concerns. Heidi never in the play demonstrates any strong human value beliefs. Instead of fighting for real women’s concerns and rights such as female circumcision, violence against women, child trafficking or equal pay she spends her time fighting for a museum to give equal importance and display of the paintings of women artists. Further, her group of friends do not show the traits of true feminism when they succumb to the traditional roles of marriage and one even allows her boyfriend to mistreat her as she cooks and cleans for him.Heidi too allows Scoop to string her along for years without a commitment. She is also upset at Scoop’s wedding to Lisa revealing her hurt and frustration at his betrayal and yet she continues to love and support him. i wonder if Scoop had proposed to her would she have said yes and thrown caution to the winds as she gave up her independence and with it perhaps her ambitions. Perhaps these women do need to realize they can have it all not just at the same time as the saying goes.
I wonder though if Heidi and her values don’t change. At the end the desire to adopt a child out of traditional wedlock i wonder if this is a last ditch attempt to conform to the norm albeit without a man she loves, or is this a stay true to yourself rebellion against society to defy convention?
At the end of the day life is a discovery of finding out who you are so surely we all change along this journey of self discovery. Age and circumstance also changes a person so surely Heidi is no longer the same as the young naive girl at the start of the novel. Scoop changes when he leaves his paper to spend time with his children and even her gay friends attitude towards her changes. He tells her effectively there is a time to stop chasing rainbows and to grow up. Heidi finally comes of age and is comfortable in her skin. She no longer needs to change the world with the same passion or prove anything to the world, just being herself is the greatest victory of all."
Zero-ing on Size

Based on the article Dieting to the Extreme, I discuss societies perception of the perfect body leading to emotional insucurity and pressure to conform to societies standard's of beauty and fitness. 

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