Friday, March 4, 2011

Soul Food

It is interesting that we are talking about hunger. In today’s world many people go to sleep hungry while others have far too much to eat and base their life on gluttony and over indulgence. Half the population seem to face starvation while the other half have a problem of rich man, obesity, and high cholesterol. Some will die of heart attacks while others will die of malnutrition. It makes you wonder why God created such a topsy turvy world.

On the other side of the coin in relation to our relationship with food, we have people whose perception and self worth is determined solely by their body image, which brings us back to the food we consume. Millions suffer from diseases such as bulimia and anorexia nervosa which are mental illnesses where the victim develops a hate relationship with food. They perceive themselves as being unfit for society as they are fat. As they lose weight to the point of becoming skin and bone, they still look in the mirror and see a fat person.
Food has many connotations for many people and is related to our mental state of mind, and not just a means to fill that empty feeling in our stomach. At times food can fill the emptiness and loneliness of our lives and acts as a substitute for friends or family. On being upset, we often turn to food for comfort as that chocolate cake, even when we are not hungry can acts as food for our soul. Others, on the other hand can lose their appetite upon any disruption in their normal lives which leads to stress.

Food can therefore, be our friend or our worst enemy. It is not just a biological need that we need to fulfill. At the best it is a way we share our time and thoughts and even discuss business matters over food. It is food that can enhance social gatherings and bring people together. Certainly there is much to chew on when we talk about food.

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