Friday, March 4, 2011

Blog Portfolio March 2011

Here it is!


Wild Card: Soul Food

My Writing Process

Method in his Madness

Commentary on Metamorphosis

Short Changed

Hunger Mind Map

Knut Hamsun: Genius or Mad Man

Deterioration of Language

Food for Thought…

Technically, Not Perfect

A New Philosophy


A New Philosophy

This theory of existentialism is highly complex and difficult to understand. My first thought was to grasp and gain an understanding behind the meaning and philosophy of these ideas and theories before being able to interpret my own thoughts on these ideas. From this I was able to put in my own spin and commentary and further expand and decipher the views expressed.


Inspirations Don’t Come Easy

It was interesting that a simple pastiche was able to spark a lively conversation and debate between Julie, Pooja, Javiera, Tom, and myself. This is the beauty of blogs that disagree or agree we all are able to share our thoughts and ideas which stimulates and feeds our minds and forms a bond between bloggers.


Knut Hamsun: Genius or Mad Man

It is always heartening when anyone takes interest in your views, thoughts and idea. Whether they agree or not or fawn or criticise it is far better to be noted and recognized than ignored.


The Comment Primo

I was invoked to make a first commentary on Monique’s Blog  ‘The Relationship Between Father and Son (Part 1)’. The relations that we share with other human beings especially when they are borne of blood is long and complex. It requires depth and greater exploration. While, I did not agree with all the points made, they were inciteful and thoughtful enough for me to respond to. I enjoyed responding and the sparks in my head which took fruit from an interesting topic.

The Comment Grande

I was invoked to make a long commentary Julie’s Blog ‘Self Respect’. It requires depth and greater exploration. While, I did not agree with all the points made, they were inciteful and thoughtful enough for me to respond to in some depth and detail. I enjoyed responding and was inspired by a topic that affects each on of us in our daily lives.

Link Gracious

In Javiera’s Blog “Hunger Artist and Hunger’ I was able to relate to a couple of points she made which allowed me to explore my own train of thoughts from the spark ignited from her insightful commentary. Firstly, she stated, “In other words the psychological effects it has on them. In both texts, the author is able to convey the wide spectrum of emotions and reactions the characters have once in their fasting,”  and this allowed me to focus on the psychology the human brain undergoes when under severe stress. A mind does indeed go through the mill of a gamut of emotions as a person can become his own worst enemy. The human mind is a deep cavern with many unexplored by lanes, a veritable maze where often hidden beneath the surface are landmines waiting to be trodden on. A normal person can be under the slightest provocation become a Jekyll and Hyde character or unrecognizable by his normal standards. Hunger or any other physical trauma can play its toll on our mind. Further, her comments that both protagonists became used to their hunger and would almost miss this if taken away from them allowed me to think further on the right or wrong of such a comment. There are people who love to complain such as about an illness, and enjoy discussing their woes to people and even after they recover, they miss the attention and insist on describing the pain when none exists just to obtain pity and attention.

Wild Card

Soul Food
The discussions on hunger’ both in the novel and articles made me think about the relationship we have with food. Food is an integral part of our daily lives and has many connotations that need to be explored and debated over.

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